Andżela dreams of moving to Sweden and strikes up an online friendship with Lars, a Swede she met in a chatroom. She doesn’t realize that the land of IKEA might hold unexpected dangers. Meanwhile, Miętus, a guy from Grodzisk, is already there—but is this really the life he dreamed of? At the same time, Sven, a journalist, is working on a new theater piece about neo-Nazis.
Teatr Współczesny
w Szczecinie
Scena Malarnia
October 24, 2015
Tomasz Kaczorowski
Mariusz Babicki
set design, poster:
Agnieszka Wielewska
Barbara Lewandowska
Grażyna Madej,
Iwona Kowalska,
Magdalena Wrani-Stachowska,
Paweł Adamski,
Michał Lewandowski,
Przemysław Walich
Spektakl w ramach projektu kuratorskiego Piotra Ratajczaka PIKSELOZA.
"Kaczorowski’s bold stage vision is wonderfully complemented by the set design and costumes created by Agnieszka Wielewska. Border tapes stretched across the walls emphasize humanity’s tendency to proudly mark its territory and label spaces with ‘Private’ signs. The bubble wrap incorporated into the clothing of all characters highlights both the modern world’s reliance on artificial ‘calmants’ in a fast-paced, anxious society and the idea that immigrants are often treated as objects—like unwanted parcels sent from abroad. It also serves as a poignant reminder of the loneliness experienced by newcomers in a foreign land—forever separate, hidden behind an invisible barrier."
Agnieszka Moroz, Emigranci z ulicy Trolli,
Dziennik Teatralny Szczecin, 02-11-2015
"The play addresses persistently present issues— the myth of paradise, immigrants (the titular trolls), acts of terror, and the spread of hatred— but the creators have found a new way to express them. They use an impersonal language of digital shorthand, a cold, detached communication that leaves no room for dialogue. Six characters, each with their own narrative thread; the montage unfolds in the minds of the audience. The action takes place in a compressed, confined space, yet the precise arrangement of situations builds the drama. Everything consistently leads to a tragic climax."
Prof. Lech Śliwonik,
z recenzji Komisji Artystycznej programu TEATR POLSKA
„'Trollgatan. The Street of Trolls' is a contemporary Sweden-set treatise on Europe's identity crisis. It explores fears and anxieties that we in Poland (for now?!) still witness through news reports—terrorism, war, radical Islam, economic disparities, populism, and, ultimately, migration."
„Prestiż – magazyn szczeciński”
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