"Chimery Afanasjewa" is the story of three Pierrots who, escaping the oppressive reality of office life, follow the clamor of war, staging performances in garrisons to entertain soldiers. Bullets whistle above their heads, bombs explode nearby, yet they unfold their portable theater. Their tales serve as mere waypoints in an endless journey through ruins, wastelands, and office buildings—wherever armed conflicts continue to smolder.
Promotional material for Teatr na Plaży:
"Set designer Agnieszka Wielewska incorporated old objects into the performance— a horse collar, a cast-iron pot, and the already mentioned dresser. This creates an interesting, somewhat sentimental atmosphere. The puppets, while simple, are artistically refined. One particularly charming character is made from a hanger, a helium-filled balloon, and shoes, along with its children—legs made of ropes, carried in a suitcase, also ending in little shoes (a story about Mr. Franciszek, who befriends his own shadow)."
Agnieszka Domańska, Dryfując na morzu fantazji,
Teatralia, 16-05-2016
"Special praise goes to the set design and costumes by Agnieszka Wielewska, who captured the atmosphere of Jerzy Afanasjew's prose in a highly visual way. The most intriguing idea turned out to be a wire marionette with a balloon head."
Katarzyna Wysocka, Majówkowe Afanasjewo,
Gazeta Świętojańska, 08-05-2016
"All the stories and the entire performance bear the mark of war—both the present one and the one experienced by the characters. Though the figures are dressed in black-and-white costumes and amusing outfits, not for a moment does anyone feel like laughing. The Pierrots wander through a slightly cluttered space, defined by a circle of piled-up earth, reminiscent of a makeshift military camp (an intriguing set design by Agnieszka Wielewska)."
Łukasz Rudziński, Pierroci w odmętach historii,, 02-05-2017
Miejski Teatr Miniatura w Gdańsku
Teatr Na Plaży w Sopocie
May 1, 2016,
Teatr Na Plaży w Sopocie
screenplay, direction,
musical arrangement:
Tomasz Kaczorowski
Mariusz Babicki
set design:
Agnieszka Wielewska
Edyta Janusz-Ehrlich, Jacek Gierczak,
Wojciech Stachura