Ultimate Questions. We have been asking them forever—whether we are young or old. And we have never found truly satisfying answers. When we lose our loved ones, we seek solace in science, religion, memories, keepsakes, photographs… We call upon art for help.
The creators of Art Without Grandma confront these ultimate questions in the presence of children. They do not pretend these questions do not exist. They do not suggest we can escape them. They do not claim to have found the one true answer. Instead, they help us come to terms, even just a little, with the fear that accompanies us all through life.
Yes, we are preparing a November premiere for children. With a touch of emptiness, a touch of love, a touch of hope, and a touch of dark humor. With the belief that we can at least try to find the right balance.
Grandma is gone. She was always here, and now she is not. Where is she? Where did she go? Will she come back?
A little girl—Grandma’s Granddaughter—tries to answer these questions. And, sooner or later, each of us—young or old—will ask the same ones. People have always done this. They disappear. They are here. And then they are gone. We remain without them: with an emptiness that cannot be filled, with memories… With something else?
The creators invite us into a black-and-white world of slightly grotesque tales. They season the Granddaughter’s story with a pinch of horror and humor, helping us learn to face the inevitable.
A performance for audiences aged 7 and up.
"There is both horror and humor here—yes, the dark kind, but surprisingly comforting. Add to that a delightfully eerie atmosphere reminiscent of The Addams Family, brought to life through lighting and music, and a black-and-white set design—though, as we know, the world is never just black and white..."
Anna Solak "A jeśli nas zniknie?",, 14.11.2018
Centrum Sztuki Dziecka w Poznaniu,
Teatr Nowy im. T. Łomnickiego w Poznaniu
November 9, 2018
Scena Wspólna w Poznaniu
text and dramaturgy:
Banjamin Maria Bukowski
Tomasz Kaczorowski
set design:
Miłosz Sienkiewicz
raven mask:
Krista Argale
film footage production:
Marcin Ratajczyk
Dorota Abbe,
Zuzanna Łuczak,
Andrzej Niemyt, Katarzyna Węglicka (gościnnie aktorka Teatru Polskiego w Poznaniu), Barbara Fiałkowska (video – babcia Matylda)
Emil Gąsiorek
Maciej Fincel
technika sceny:
Mateusz Matuszewski
Anna Górska
wykonanie kostiumów: Pracowania Teatru Nowego w Poznaniu oraz Angelina Janas-Jankowska
koordynacja warsztatów z seniorami:
Julia Patan
produkcja i koordynacja projektu:
Izabella Nowacka