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Born in 1992 in Gdańsk, painter, illustrator, set designer. She graduated in Painting from the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków (2017). She has been awarded numerous scholarships, including The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant,  the Creative Scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, the Henry J.T. Doren Scholarship, the Creative Scholarship of the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship, the Cultural Scholarship of the City of Gdańsk, and the Rector's Scholarship of the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. She received an award for her painting diploma from the Society of Friends of Fine Arts in Kraków. She also studied Art History at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.


Her paintings have been showcased in solo and group exhibitions both in Poland and abroad, including in Zurich (ARTBOX. PROJECT), Debrecen in Hungary (MODEM Gallery), Kraków (Pałac Sztuki; Galeria Promocyjna ASP; Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna), Sopot (Państwowa Galeria Sztuki, Sopoteka), Debrecen (MODEM Centre for Modern and Contemporary Art, Hungary), Bielsko-Biała (Galeria Wzgórze), Warsaw (Galeria Stalowa, MNiSW), Kazimierz Dolny, Stalowa Wola (Muzeum Regionalne), Radom, Częstochowa (Miejska Galeria Sztuki), Gdańsk (Galeria Klubu Żak, Sztuka Wyboru, Tryton Business House). She is also a multiple finalist of national painting competitions, including the 6th Leon Wyczółkowski National Painting Competition in Bydgoszcz, the 1st Lublin Spring Painting Biennale, and the Eibisch Prize.


In addition to painting, she works in poster design, illustration, and animated film.


As a set designer, she has worked in numerous theaters, including Puppentheater Zwickau (Germany), Teatr Komedia in Warsaw, Teatr Współczesny in Szczecin, Teatr im. J. Kochanowskiego in Opole, Miejski Teatr Miniatura in Gdańsk, Teatr Lalki Tęcza in Słupsk, Teatr im. W. Horzycy in Toruń, Centrum Sztuki Dziecka in Poznań, and Teatr Pinokio in Łódź.


In 2018, she received the Gdańsk Theatre Award for her set design for Nie wierzę w śmierć (I Don’t Believe in Death) and was recognized in the Jerzy Moskal Set Design Award competition.


She is also engaged in educational initiatives, including theatre workshops with seniors in collaboration with the Nursing Home in Sopot and Summer in the Theatre at the Polish Theatre in Poznań.






  • 2013 -2017 – Master of Arts, graduate Painting on Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow (Poland).

  • 2013 - 2014 – Studying at the  Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Art History.

  • 2011 - 2013 – Studying at the  Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, Faculty of Painting.




  • The Elizabeth Greenshield Foundation Grant, Canada, 2024.

  • Nomination for the title of Personality of the Year 2020, Dziennik Bałtycki, Culture category.

  • Preselected for the STRABAG ARTAWARD INTERNATIONAL 2021, Vienna.

  • Final exhibition of the 1st Painting Biennale LUBELSKA SPRING, Center for the Meeting of Cultures, Lublin, 2021.

  • The Marshal of the Pomeranian Province Scholarship in 2021.

  • Creative scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage for 2020.

  • Honorable mention in the competition for the Design Award Jerzy Moskal 2018, competition organized by the Polish Scenography Institute, Silesian Museum, October 2018.

  • Cultural Scholarship of the City of Gdańsk for the painting cycle The Epifany of Everyday Life, April - October 2018.

  • The Theatre Prize of the City of Gdańsk for spectacle Nie wierzę w śmierć directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski, Miejski Teatr Miniatura w Gdańsku, March 2018.

  • The Marshal of the Pomeranian Province Scholarship in 2018.

  • Prize on exhibition Mały Zimowy Salon Malarstwa Młodych (February 2018) awarded by Zofia Weiss Gallery, an award in the form of an interview for the quarterly Wiadomości ASP.

  • Prize for painting diploma Epiphany of Everyday Life awarded by Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie (Cracow Society of Friends of Fine Arts), February 2018.

  • The Henry J. T. Doren Scholarship in 2016.

  • The Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow Scholarship in 2014/ 2015, 2015/ 2016 and 2016/2017.

  • The Marshal of the Pomeranian Province Scholarship in 2014/ 2015.

  • Honorable mention by the Council of the Faculty of Painting for achievements in painting and drawing for the academic year 2014/2015.

  • Main prize for painting in competition Garden of paradise. Paradise painting, organized in the studio of Painting prof. Adam Brincken at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, 2015.




  • September 2023 - October 2023, WRZESZCZ IN SILENCE, Plama GAK, Gdańsk.

  • September, WINDOWS, Galeria Tlen, Warsaw.

  • December 2021, exhibition Looking, Sztuka Wyboru, Gdańsk.

  • February - April 2020, painting exhibition Spaces, Tryton Business House, Gdańsk.

  • December 2020 - January 2021, painting exhibition The Acoustic Silence, Dworek Sierakowskich, Sopot.

  • October, November 2020, painting exhibition Lightness, Galeria Sztuka Wybor,  Gdańsk.

  • October 2018, painting exhibition The Epiphany of Everyday Life, Klub Żak in Gdańsku, curator: Agata Nowosielska, worked out with funds from the City of Gdańsk as part of the Cultural Stypendium of the City of Gdańsk. 

  • June 2018, painting exhibition, Teatr Boto in Sopot.

  • 24 October – 20 November 2017, Painting, Galeria Kultury Multimedialnej SOPOTEKA in Sopot.

  • October 2016 – February 2017, Painting from the cycle Refer the Past and Landscape of the Żuławy Wiślane, Teatr Współczesny w Szczecinie.

  • September 2016, Painting from the cycle  Refer the Past,  Galeria Kultury Multimedialnej SOPOTEKA in Sopot.

  • July – August 2016, stage desigs  for theatre performance Chimery Afanasjewa, Galeria Jednego Dzieła in Gdańsk, Fundacja Wspólnota Gdańska.





  • July - September 2024, VI Ogólnopolski Konkurs Malarski im. Leona Wyczółkowskiego w Bydgoszczy, The Municipal Gallery bwa in Bydgoszcz.

  • December 2022 - February 2023, Marginalia. Marcin Kędzierski, Jacek Sztuka, Agnieszka Wielewska, The Municipal Gallery bwa in Bydgoszcz.

  • November 2021, final exhibition of Eibisch Award, Galeria Katarzyny Napiórkowskiej, Warszawa.

  • July 2021, exhibition Przeciąg, TLEN Galeria Sztuki Wilanów, Warszawa.

  • March-April 2021, Lubelska Wiosna, final exhibition of the 1st Painting Biennale LUBELSKA SPRING, Center for the Meeting of Cultures, Lublin.

  • November 2020, VR Gallery – The Academy's Young Artist Museum, Zofia Weiss Gallery, Cracow.

  • September 2019, exhibition ARTBOX.PROJECT, Zurich.

  • July - August 2019, exhibition MIASTO I SEN, Muzeum Regionalne w Stalowej Woli, kurator: prof. Adam Brincken.

  • November - December 2018, exhibition MIASTO I SEN, Miejska Galeria Sztuki in Częstochowa, curator: prof. Adam Brincken.

  • 15 January – 5 February 2018, Mały Zimowy Salon Malarstwa Młodych, Zofia Weiss Gallery, Cracow.

  • 19 - 29 October 2017, the final of the Scenario Design Award J. Moskal, Centrum Scenografii Polskiej in Muzeum Śląskie in Katowice,

  • April – August 2017, XY ‒ new generation polish-hungarian painting, MODEM Center for Modern and Contemporary Art, Debrecen, Hungary,

  • 4 – 25 June 2017, Best diplomas of Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Sztuk Pięknych in Crakow,

  • June 2016, exhibition of students of painting studio prof. Adam Brincken from the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, Radomski Klub Środowisk Twórczych i Galeria ŁAŹNIA.

  • April – May 2016, Living Rejected, National Gallery of Art in Sopot, curator: Piotr Sarzyński,

  • April 2016, exhibition of students of painting studio prof. Adam Brincken from the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna in Cracow.

  • January – February 2016, exhibition summarizing open air painting, V edycjia Kazimierskiej Pleneriady Uczelni Artystycznych, Galeria Sztuki Stalowa in Warsow.

  • December 2015 – April 2016, Students of Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Warsaw.

  • June 2015, exhibition Paintings by Joanna Kałdan, Malwina Wójcik and Agnieszka Wielewska, Galeria Wzgórze in Bielsko- Biała.

  • May, June 2015, Olśnienia, exhibitions of works by professors and students Painting Faculty of Academy of fine Arts in Cracow, Science Festival in Cracow 2015.

  • April 2015, exhibition summarizing open air painting, V edycjia Kazimierskiej Pleneriady Uczelni Artystycznych, Kazimierski Ośrodek Kultury, Promocji i Turystyki, Galeria Sztuki STALOWA in Warsow.

  • April, May 2015, final exhibition of the 3rd edition competition Konkurs na Dzieło, Galeria , Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow.

  • December 2014 – March 2015, Students of Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Warsaw.




  • November 2021, set design for spectacle “Arka Czasu”, directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski, Teatr Lalki “Kubuś” w Kielcach.

  • May 2021, set design for spectacle “Mary łowczyni skamielin”, Teatr Baj, Warszawa.

  • September – November 2019, set designs for three spectacles under the HOUSES OF CULTURE program: „Osmędeusze” directed by Judyta Berłowska, „Wyprawy Krzyżowe” directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski, „Instynkty ulotne” directed by Ewa Maria Wolska; Teatr Pinokio w Łodzi, based on dramas of Miron Białoszewski.

  • September 2019, multimedia for performative reading Smutek i melancholia, drama author: Bonn Park, Klub Żak w Gdańsku, PC Drama, directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski.

  • December 2018, set design for spectacle Proces, Teatr PAPAHEMA; premiere: December 14, 2018, Teatr Dramatyczny im. A. Węgierki in Białymstok.

  • November 2018, set design and costumes for spectacle SZTUKA BEZ BABCI, author of the drama: Benjamin Maria Bukowski, directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski, coproduction: Centrum Sztuki Dziecka in Poznań, Teatr Nowy im. T. Łomnickiego in Poznań; premiere: November 9, 2018.

  • October 2018, Honorable mention in the competition for the Design Award Jerzy Moskal 2018, competition organized by the Polish Scenography Institute, Silesian Museum.

  • September 2018, costumes for spectacle  Z CZUBA albo #byćjakzlatanibrahimović, directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski, Teatr im. Aleksandra Fredry w Gnieźnie; premiere: September 20, 2018.

  • April 2018, set design for spectacle #ciemność, Teatr im. Wilama Horzycy w Toruniu, directed by Tomasz Kaczororwski/Paweł Paszta, premiere: April14, 2018.

  • November 2017, multimedia for performative reading ConradMaszyna albo ósmy pasażer Nostromo, directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski, Teatr Dramatyczny im. Szaniawskiego w Wałbrzychu, 18 Dni Dramaturgii – (E)MIGRACJE. CONRAD.

  • November 2017, set design, puppets and costumes for spectacle Nie wierzę w śmierć, Miejski Teatr Miniatura w Gdańsku, directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski; prapremiere: November 5, 2017.

  • June 2017, set design, puppets, costumes and poster for spectacle Opowieści spod stołu, czyli absurdalny świat Stasia Witkiewicza, directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski, Teatr Lalki Tęcza w Słupsku; prapremiere: June 24, 2017.

  • February 2017, set design and costumes for spectacle Ty, Hitler, Teatr im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Opolu, scena Bunkier, directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski, premiere: February 18, 2017.

  • September 2016, multimedia for performative reading Komedia na kredyt, drama author: Mariusz Babicki, Klub Żak w Gdańsku, PC Drama, directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski.

  • May 2016, set design, puppets and costumes for spectacle Chimery Afanasjewa, coproduction: Miejski Teatr Miniatura w Gdańsku, Teatr na Plaży w Sopocie, directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski, prapremiere: May 1, 2016; spektacle was presented on VII International Festival BETWEEN.POMIĘDZY (May 2016).

  • November 2015, production cooperation (among others poster authorship) play Poczta Afanasjewa. Słuchowisko inspirowane życiem i twórczością Afanasjewa z Sopotu, directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski; prapremiere: November 8, 2016, Młody Byron w Sopocie. 

  • October 2015, set design, costumes and poster for spectacle Trollgatan. Ulica Trolli, Teatr Współczesny w Szczecinie, directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski, prapremiera: October 24, 2015.

  • May 2015, multimedia for performative reading Koci koci łapci, drama author: Mariusz Babicki, Paweł Niewiadomy, Klub Żak w Gdańsku, PC Drama, directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski.





  • June 2015, stop-motion animation List (Letter), presented in April 2015 at the  Science Festival in Cracow.

  • April 2014 – June 2014 - stop-motion animation Urzędnik Rigolamo (Civil servant Rigolamo); inspired by story of Jerzy Afanasjew Urzędnik Girolamo.

  • April 2012 – June 2013  –  storyboards, scenography, costumes, DVD graphic design and poster for the film Breaking the Fall directed by Łukasz Baka, University of Silesia in Katowice, Krzysztof Kieślowski Radio and Television Faculty,  the first 3D realisation by students.





  • July 2018, poster for performance Niech no tylko zakwitną drożdżówki, final of theatre workshops with children, LATO W TEARZE, Teatr Polski w Poznaniu.

  • From 2011, contemporary cooperation with Gdansk University, scholarly journal Jednak Książki, ISSN 2353-4699. 

  • November 2015, poster for play Poczta Afanasjewa. Słuchowisko inspirowane życiem i twórczością Afanasjewa z Sopotu, directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski.

  • October 2015, poster for performance Trollgatan. Ulica Trolli, Teatr Współczesny w Szczecinie.

  • Od 2015, constant cooperation with Dom Pomocy Społecznej w Sopocie, designs of posters and invitation cards for performances Biurowiec Afanasjewa, Balladyna and play Śledztwo w strrrasznym zamczysku.

  • April 2012 – June 2013, cover design DVD and movie poster Breaking the Fall, directed by Łukasz Baka, University of Silesia in Katowice, Krzysztof Kieślowski Radio and Television Faculty.

  • April 2011, poster for scholarly conference about Fryderyk Chopin (Chopinowskie Rezonanse), Gdansk University.





  • July 2017, conducting theatre workshops with children, LATO W TEATRZE 2017, Teatr Polski w Poznaniu.

  • June– September 2016, conducting art workshops with seniors from Dom Pomocy Społecznej w Sopocie (Social House in Sopot); as final of the workshop was created performance Balladyna by Juliusz Słowacki directed by Tomasz Kaczorowski; opening night 6 IX 2016 w Teatrze na Plaży w Sopocie, ministerial educational project of The Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre Teatralny Pasjans. 

  • April - June 2015, conducting theatre workshops with seniors from Dom Pomocy Społecznej w Sopocie (Social House in Sopot); as final of the workshop was created performance Biurowiec Afanasjewa directed by Tomasz Kaczorwski; additional poster and invitation card production.





  • October 2013 – June 2014, Open University of Research’s 2012/2013 core course Great? Theatre? Reform?, The Grotowski Institute.

  • October 2012 - June 2013, Open University of Research’s 2012/2013 core course Great? Theatre? Reform?, The Grotowski Institute.

  • February 2014 and August 2014, training in Krakowski Zakład Witrażu S. G. Żeleński (Stained Glass Works of S. G. Żeleński) and Muzeum Witrażu (Museum of Stained Glass).







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